Possible early records of John Leonard Dekle

Ship Records
Census Records

The cover page and page 369 from the book containing the ship record of Joh. Leonard Devil. Could this be our John Leonard Dekle? It is the closest name I have found after several years of searching passenger lists.

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Census Records 

Orangeburg District South Carolina 1790 Census page 409. The name of John Teackle appears with 1 adult male, four under 16 males, and 5 females living in the household. Could this be our John? The birthdates for Charles and George would make them under 16 in 1790 and Thomas was born March 19, 1791. Sallie, Mary, Sarah and Susannah could account for four of the five women. It also was not unusual during this time period to have others living with a family so that could make up the difference. 

When Susannah Dekle married Henry Miller in Bulloch County on  January 10, 1806, her name in the Bulloch County Marriage Book is spelled Susannah Teakle. It is also known that many of the early immigrants into the Montgomery, Emanuel, Bulloch county area came here from the Orangeburg area of South Carolina. We know that John had a survey of the farm in what is now Candler County Georgia done in 1801, but I am aware of no written documentation of his whereabouts before this 1801 survey. Family history says that he was associated with the Salsburger Colonies near Savannah, but the Colonial Records of Georgia make no mention of his name. Anyone in South Carolina care to follow up on this?   

